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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query mckenna-preteen-summary-9-years-old. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mckenna Preteen Summary: 9.25 Years Old

This is a preteen summary for McKenna from 9-9.25 years old. Information on a ix twelvemonth one-time girl. Eating habits, slumber habits, together with anxiety for a preteen girl.

This is a preteen summary for McKenna from  McKenna Preteen Summary: 9.25 Years Old

Eating is great! It seems similar every kid has at to the lowest degree 1 affair that is simply a non-issue inward life, together with for McKenna, the number 1 is definitely food. She eats well. She likes everything I make. She isn't picky at all. Her natural wish is to consume good for you lot foods over junk or sweets. 

Sleep is good. McKenna did guide maintain a twosome of nights during this fourth dimension catamenia where she got out of bed subsequently beingness pose to bed because she was worrying virtually something. This was definitely strange for her. I would guide maintain said slumber is some other 1 of those things that nosotros simply don't guide maintain to worry virtually amongst her, but she did guide maintain these nights of getting upwardly subsequently bedtime. That has since ended, but it was a affair for a bit. 

Something nosotros did for slumber was learn her a basic timer then she wouldn't remain upwardly likewise slow reading. She gets then into books that she blocks the basis out, then nosotros would tell her what fourth dimension to halt reading together with become to bed, but she didn't aspect at the clock until that fourth dimension was long past. So nosotros got a timer together with simply laid it then she knows for sure what fourth dimension is fourth dimension to pose the mass down. 

School ended well. I e'er worried McKenna would move a dependent work inward school. The argue I worried virtually that is that she is incredibly social together with talks all the time. The classroom is total of people to speak to together with McKenna never met someone who wasn't a friend. She loves to guide maintain fun. So I worried she would move a chatterbox the instructor constantly had to remind to move quiet.

It turns out that is non the illustration at all. Another character McKenna has is the wish to follow rules amongst exactness (which I honour ironic considering she has been my strong-willed child...I nonetheless haven't figured out how to merge these 2 facts together). She tries to follow the rules then perfectly that she is genuinely improve behaved inward classes than Brayden together with Kaitlyn were...and they were e'er great! 

That perfection together with attending to especial comes at a price. Kids who are similar that at schoolhouse ofttimes come upwardly dwelling solid exhausted together with fifty-fifty snippy. So if you lot guide maintain a kid putting 100% of his/her unloose energy into beingness absolutely perfect at school, hold back at that spot to move some grumpiness at home. 

This tin strength out give amongst McKenna, but for the most part, she is a happy-go-lucky type together with fine. But she has to a greater extent than grumpy moments during the schoolhouse twelvemonth than during summer. 

Associated amongst the slumber issues was McKenna all of a abrupt beingness anxious. I guide maintain literally had the idea earlier that I am then glad McKenna is then happy together with optimistic because it is difficult to bargain amongst pessimism inward children. Anxiety together with pessimism aren't the same, but I definitely never envisioned myself addressing anything on the worry scale amongst McKenna. She is then optimistic I idea she would e'er run into the brilliant side. 

I would approximate this was inward conjunction amongst some hormonal changes equally she was getting older, but it is simply a guess.

McKenna was then worried she would die. Anything together with everything was possible. She worried virtually appendicitis, cancer, weird growths, her shin guards would cutting into her leg, cutting off her circulation, together with she would guide maintain to guide maintain her human foot cutting off together with would expire from complications...basically whatever agency she ever heard virtually or read virtually was a concern. As shortly equally nosotros helped her move sure she wasn't dying from 1 affair she had a novel thing. 

McKenna has a hear similar a steel trap. If she has heard it or read it, she volition recall it forever. She volition move infuriating to play Trivial Pursuit amongst someday. Literally 1 of the most mutual phrases from her oral cavity is, "Did you lot know..." She reads a lot. She asks a lot of questions. 

She also has historically move reckless amongst her personal safety. She is my entirely kid to guide maintain ever gotten stitches. She has a high hurting tolerance. I guide maintain had to tell her, many times, to move to a greater extent than careful inward life. In social club to encourage her to accept to a greater extent than caution together with care, I guide maintain explained WHY she needed to move careful inward dissimilar situations.

Boy did that come upwardly dorsum to haunt me during this time. 

Every alert she had ever heard was similar a shot coming to forefront of her hear together with scaring her that it powerfulness bear on her. Every agency of dying she had ever read inward a mass was similar a shot the listing of ways she was going to expire (and SO MANY books guide maintain someone die). She ran downwards that listing of ways. 

If you lot follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you lot powerfulness recall me talking virtually this at the time. 

Fortunately, McKenna is also highly logical. I am logical. I could address her concerns logically.

We worked through why I was sure she didn't guide maintain whatever novel sickness she was sure she had. We had some books recommended to us virtually anxiety together with I bough them all. Some were for kids to read together with some for adults. She read her's faithfully together with gained some coping mechanisms. 

Fortunately, she also had a physician engagement for turning nine around this time. I told him her concerns together with he genuinely looked her over good together with gave her a build clean nib of health. That helped a lot. 

We genuinely entirely had this going on for a few weeks. It surely felt longer, but it wasn't bad at all inward hindsight. 

McKenna's favorite books to read correct similar a shot are the Warriors books (affiliate). 

During this time, McKenna participated together with finished upwardly her musical theatre class. She performed inward her play equally Sebastian together with did a non bad job! We fifty-fifty heard someone nation Sebastian was the best inward the play. She had jump soccer during this fourth dimension together with her squad did then well! They took third inward the commencement department together with commencement inward the 2nd section. She also did pianoforte during this time.

Then she had summertime start together with continued amongst soccer together with piano. She also did a stone climbing military camp for a week. McKenna loves to stone climb!

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 big affair for McKenna inward this fourth dimension catamenia is she got a bunny!

Most of this fourth dimension was during school, then I volition include a schoolhouse schedule:
7:00--wake up shower/get ready/eat/practice piano/scriptures/prayers
activities/family time/dinner
7:00--start getting ready for bed
8--in bed. Lights out yesteryear 8:30-8:45

I idea it would move fun to exhibit some highlights from fourth dimension periods for the kid summaries. Here are some favorites from this period. Music is from


This is a preteen summary for McKenna from  McKenna Preteen Summary: 9.25 Years Old


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kaitlyn Preteen Summary: 11.25 Years Old

Eleven yr sometime preteen daughter information. Schedule, extra curricular activities, in addition to more.

Eleven yr sometime preteen daughter information Kaitlyn Preteen Summary: 11.25 Years Old

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from eleven years sometime to 11.25 years old.

Everything is the same amongst Kaitlyn for eating. If you lot don't know, Kaitlyn is my most detail eater of my children. Brayden in addition to McKenna swallow anything anytime in addition to dearest a diversity of flavors. Brinley is unremarkably the same, but has her moments (usually when she actually wants to larn dorsum to playing). Kaitlyn had reflux every bit a babe in addition to has ever been to a greater extent than sensitive most her foods. She does non dearest many, many foods. 

That doesn't hateful nosotros give her a pass, though. I receive got never required that she swallow foods that exacerbate heartburn, but I do require a varied diet. She eats that diversity fifty-fifty if she doesn't dearest it. I thinks she would alive on pasta, bread, rice, in addition to the occasional fruit if I allow her. We don't receive got battles at all; she but doesn't dearest many foods.

Sleeping is great! If you lot know most Kaitlyn, you lot know she likes to sleep. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot. This summer, she had soccer do that started at 7:00 AM twice a calendar week in addition to soccer do she helped amongst that started at the same fourth dimension 2 other days a week. She unremarkably left closed to 6:30 AM. She did neat amongst that. It makes me to a greater extent than hopeful for when she moves to the middle schoolhouse schedule inwards a year. 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large affair that happened for Kaitlyn was the Wellsville Mile. This is a mile race amongst most of the simple schools from our district (I can't retrieve how many come...7-11...). It was all of the 5th graders this year. She did awesome! She worked thence difficult in addition to got her best fourth dimension ever, taking 7th. 

During this time, Kaitlyn did soccer, piano, a stone climbing camp, swimming, in addition to she started showing miniature horses. 

She had some upheaval inwards the soccer in addition to pianoforte department.

For piano, her instructor moved away, thence nosotros had to uncovering a novel one. This was thence stressful for me! We actually had the best setup amongst our instructor living a few minutes away in addition to willing to learn lessons earlier school.

Brayden needed to motion teachers anyway, in addition to needed a to a greater extent than advanced teacher. More on his pianoforte inwards his summary side yesteryear side week.

So I was left trying to uncovering a pianoforte instructor for the 3 girls. I made a listing of every instructor inwards town, in addition to thence started calling. Teacher afterward instructor was already full, in addition to our instructor had xxx students! So lots of students in addition to no teachers to receive got them. By some miracle, the finally instructor I contacted (this took a calendar week or 2 to finally connect amongst each person) had 2 slots open! Yay! It wasn't three, but it was ameliorate than zero. Kaitlyn in addition to McKenna started amongst her (Brayden is didactics Brinley). 

She lives a fiddling farther than our other teacher, but non much further. It is belike a six infinitesimal drive instead of 3. She is actually prissy in addition to my girls receive got loved her. So the modify has been smooth. 

With soccer, Kaitlyn's squad that she had been amongst since 2nd degree ended upwards splitting up. Their historic menstruum grouping was moving to needing to a greater extent than players on the plain in addition to they had several girls move, thence they didn't receive got plenty to proceed the squad together. It was distressing in addition to nevertheless is distressing for them. They were all real closed in addition to had played together for a long time. 

The argent lining is they were all able to motion to the same social club together in addition to are on 2 dissimilar teams (long story, but they had players from 2 dissimilar historic menstruum groups playing on the same squad because historic menstruum lines changed afterward their squad was already formed). So they are most one-half in addition to half. She has had to larn to know novel teammates in addition to a novel coach. Change tin flame move fun but it tin flame move hard, also. Another large modify is her soccer autobus spotted her playing goalie for fun i twenty-four hr menstruum in addition to wants her to give it a attempt officially. She had a flavor at goalie, but felt a lot of pressure level in addition to stopped. So this volition move interesting.

So 2 large changes amongst 2 large things inwards her life. 

Kaitlyn picked up  showing miniature horses this summer. She has loved that. She absolutely loves miniature horses. 

Kaitlyn has passed off all swimming skills for a duo of years now, but each summer, I receive got her swim amongst our swim instructor (both she in addition to McKenna) to proceed skills sharp. They are both ever a fiddling crude oil the commencement duo of weeks but expect expert yesteryear the terminate of summer. 

Kaitlyn has changed quite a flake during this fourth dimension period. I mean value you lot volition run into that inwards her video below. She is definitely growing upwards physically. Her hands are bigger than mine in addition to her feet are longer than mine. She is nevertheless shorter than I am, but I could run into that changing inwards the side yesteryear side yr or two. 


Part of this menstruum was during school, but most was summer. Here was a typical summertime twenty-four hr menstruum for her.

6:00 AM wake upwards in addition to larn cook for soccer
9:00 AM dorsum from soccer 

Eleven yr sometime preteen daughter information Kaitlyn Preteen Summary: 11.25 Years Old

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